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Application introduction of quartz glass

Metallurgical industry: mainly used for the manufacture of refractory materials - silica bricks, smelting of siliceous alloys (ferrosilicon, silicon manganese, silicon chromium) and as a flux. Pure crystalline silicon can be produced. Crystalline silicon is the main raw material for the production of single crystal silicon, and can also be used to produce silicon aluminum and organic silicon.

Glass industry: It is the main raw material for making glass. It can manufacture all kinds of flat glass, wired glass, patterned glass, hollow glass, foam glass, glass brick, various packaging bottles and cans,optical glass, glass instruments, glass fibers, conductive glass etc. It can also be made into refractory bricks for the lining of glass melting furnaces.

Chemical industry: Silica can be used to make various silicides, silicates and nitrates, and those with good quality can be used as fillings in acid-resistant sulfuric acid towers. It can also manufacture water glass, silica gel, desiccant and petroleum refining catalyst. Manufacture of exterior wall paint, road line drawing paint, etc.

Grinding industry: quartzite and quartz sandstone can be used to make grinding materials such as grindstone, oil stone, sandpaper and silicon carbonate; quartz sand is also used for sawing stone, polishing glass, grinding the surface of metal products and stoneware products, and quartz is also used for polishing jewelry .

Other industries: It can be used as raw materials for enamel and ceramics. Pure quartzite is widely used in radio industry, ultrasonic technology and modern national defense and high-end technology. Pure quartzite has optical rotation and ultraviolet transmission properties, and can be used to manufacture various optical instruments and medical quartz lamps. Silicon) the basic raw material. Fine quartz sand can be used for filtration.